
The Federation of Economic Organizations is comprised of the group 109 groups according to the main types of industry such as representative 1,412 companies,
manufacturing industry or service industry of Japan of the whole country, the business group 47 group according to the district (as of April 1, 2019).
I draw an individual and local vitality to support a company and a company as a general business group, and the mission is to contribute to the improvement of the autonomous development and people's life of the Japanese economy.
Therefore, about the internal and external extensive important issue that the economic world faces, I gather an opinion of the economic world and pressure it to work on steady and quick realization.
I push forward politics, administration, a labor union, the talks with the wide person concerned including the citizen at the same time. Furthermore, pressure it to work on the observance of "the corporate activity charter" for a member company, and try for establishment of the trust to the company, and of the economic relations with the solution that is international through the talks with the government, the business group of each country and the international organization in question and foreign countries closely contact it, and plan it.

一般社団法人 日本経済団体連合会

〒100-8188 東京都千代田区大手町1-3-2 (経団連会館)


〒530-6108 大阪市北区中之島3-3-23 (中之島ダイビル)

米国事務所 (Keidanren USA)

1200 17th Street, NW, Suite 201, Washington DC 20036 U.S.A.
